Janette and I went fishing today. She has asked me numerous times to take her, and so today, we drove up to the North Fork of the Duchesne River, 110 miles from home. What a great day, even though we didn't catch any fish. There's still a very heavy run off and the river is higher and faster than I have ever seen it before; add to that the rain that was persistent, and we didn't get to fish all that much.
We had a lot of fun though. We joked, and did movie lines from Bug's Life, Monsters Inc., The Princess Bride, and a few others. We also ate a bunch of Red Vines, apples, and hit the drug store in Kamas for cheeseburgers and onion rings par excellence. I'd call it a fantastic day, and being with my wonderful, beautiful daughter made it all the better.
I'm finally including some pictures! Ye haw!