No fishing pictures this time. Sorry.
Jodi and I spent all day cleaning out our basement, a long overdue necessity. We've collected twenty years of garbage and junk, and we could no longer stand to risk personal injury trying to negotiate our way to the kids rooms, or anywhere for that matter. We rented a trailer/dumpster for the day, one of those they drop off, we fill up, and they come back and haul it away, no questions asked. Best 150 clams I've spent in a while.
I had to take my green car in for repairs this morning. Dang near three hundred dollar repair, and it wont be done until Monday. I had to get it inspected because its registration is up at the end of this month, and in an effort to expedite the inspection, i took it up to the service center on base, who failed the inspection because the emergency flasher button was broke. Its been broke for three years and has passed every time, but the new guy there failed it, and now I'm stuck with a repair I wasn't expecting.
I can pretty much do any repair on that car, but is one of those repairs that I rather wish a expert take care of because it requires tearing the steering column apart. Had I taken the car to Main Street Service in the first place, I would be three hundred clams ahead about Monday. Oh well.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thank goodness it's Friday! The one big perk to my employment is that I work four tens, meaning that Fridays are my be lazy and do what I want day.
Speaking of my job, I returned from work this week after a five month break to fulfill my military commitment over to Kuwait. The last month was spent burning up leave that I had accrued while deployed. I worked on some house projects that were left undone prior to deploying, and I went fishing on the Green River, below Flaming Gorge Dam, back on the 24Th of September. My best friend, Ted Ridl, and I fished on one drift boat while my older brother Sterling and his son Clark fished in another boat. Between the two boats we managed to land about 70 fish, mostly rainbows and brownies. The weather was absolutely perfect and the scenery was spectacular as always.
Back to my job. Four weeks was a long time to be off of work and I was ready to at least have some time back doing something. It felt as if I was the new guy on the team upon returning Monday, and I've had a bit of a readjustment period, to say the least. The team did just fine in my absence, and maybe I should have just stayed away all together, hahahahahahaha!
I lack computer literacy, so my blogs will be sporatic at best. I make no excuses for my computer ineptitudinal failings.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
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